Finding time to get ready as a mom can be super challenging. Whether you are a new mom or experienced mom, there are just days where staying makeup free and hair up in a bun is just the way it goes. But there are also days where you have places to go and you want to look somewhat decent in public. We aren’t talking about looking like a beauty pageant queen here. But looking somewhat put together is the goal we are going for.

In all honesty, I have grown accustomed to a no makeup routine. But truth is, I do enjoy looking pretty every once in awhile. Since becoming a mom, I knew that I didn’t have time for my old makeup routine pre-babies. So I knew I needed to find a routine that was quick but still got the job done. Of course there are times where I will take my time to get all dolled up when my husband can watch my son. But that doesn’t happen too often.

This is a routine that can be easily accomplished while taking care of your babies or while they nap (and you planned a million other things to do during naptime). It’s all about basic makeup that will make you feel put together, refreshed, and feeling pretty. Not only is it so great to have a quick makeup routine in place for looking put together for quick must do errands. But getting ready in the morning is a great start to your day. Even if you have no where to go, I learned that getting ready is great self care tip that puts me in a good head space. Which is SO important when taking care of littles non stop.

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Easy And Quick Makeup Routine For Busy Moms


Sometimes I skip this step and go right to step two depending on my mood or if I am running behind schedule. If I want to look extra refreshed then I go with this step. Make sure your face is washed or cleaned before applying the foundation. If I showered the night before then I will just wipe my face down with some makeup removal wipes.

Since I am a stay at home mom, I like to be budget friendly when it comes to makeup. I use drug store makeup. My favorite foundation is the Revlon liquid foundation. It has an SPF 15 in it which is perfect for summer. It always leaves my skin feeling soft and smooth. I also have dry skin especially while pregnant so it’s really great at hydrating my skin as well.


After I put foundation on, I use a foundation brush to quickly put on the bronzer all over my face. This gives me the sun-kissed looked. It’s an easy and quick step that makes all the difference for looking put together.

If I skip the first step, then I’ll make sure I lotion my face prior to applying the bronzer so it doesn’t dry out my skin.

I ALWAYS use bronzer. I just love having some color to my skin. It always makes me feel pretty. If you aren’t into bronzer then you can skip this step. I use Revolution bronzer. It is by far my favorite out of all bronzers that I have tried. It makes my face look like I have a natural tan and gives me a nice glow.


Next I apply highlighter under my eyes, on the bridge of my nose, in between my eyebrows and just above my eyebrows, above my upper lip, on my chin, and along the jawline. It sounds like a lot but it is super quick to do.

It’s an easy step that will give you a refreshed and a glow that will make you feeling like a hot mama. It will look like you put thirty minutes into your makeup routine rather than ten minutes.

I use the Revoltion highlighter and I get SO many compliments on my makeup. I have at least a couple people ask me where I got my highlighter whenever I wear it. I will never buy a different highlighter.

Sometimes if I don’t “feel” like putting on make up, I will put lotion on and then highlighter with some mascara. And it gives me that natural glow look.


Blush is a must for me when I do my makeup. It brightens up your face and just adds that extra touch to my face. I feel like it brings my whole face together. I love that natural flushed look.

I use NYX blush. I love getting combination blushes. For spring and summer, I like to use bright and fun colors. Then for fall and winter, I use the darker tone blushes. So instead of having to purchase separate blushes, I buy the blush kit like the one below.


Mascara is a life and time saver for me when it comes to my makeup routine. I use it for three things for this quick makeup routine. I use it for my eyelashes obviously, as eyeliner, and to do my eyebrows.

I have darker hair so I like the darker eyebrow look. So if you have lighter hair or you don’t like dark eyebrows then disregard this step.

But I first apply one coat of mascara to my first eye then do my under eye lid eyelashes for both eyes (giving that eyeliner look). Then I do a new coat for my second eye and then use the remaining for my eyebrows. So I only dip twice otherwise it’ll be too much for my eyebrows and under eyes.

I use Rimmel mascara and I love it. I already have long eyelashes but this mascara really helps bring them out even more. I always get asked if I have fake eyelashes on because they look so long. I love how bold they make my eyelashes look. It gives my eyes that extra pop it needs.

This five step makeup routine is affordable, quick, and easy for any busy mom to incorporate into their day. It’s a great makeup routine for everyday that will leave you looking and feeling refreshed. I hope this makeup routine can help you feel good and still give you the time to accomplish all that us busy moms have to do. Let me know how this routine worked for you or if you have any extra tips to add.

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