If you are a mom, whether a working mom or a stay at home mom, it is probably safe to say that you have experienced mom burnout. Yes, it is a REAL thing and it’s really, really hard. I have expereinced mom burnout on more than one occasion. It’s never fun but I have figured out ways to avoid mom burnout or recognize when I am feeling burned out and what to do about it.

I hope these tips can help provide relief for the moments of where we are totally exhausted, burned out, and are struggling to give when we have nothing left. Just know, you are doing your best and don’t forget to give yourself grace and a little extra love. Motherhood is challenging and your feelings are valid.

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mom burnout

First Tip: Ask For Help

Do you struggle with asking for help? I know I do. I don’t like to burden anyone so I just try to do everything on my own which guess what? Leads to massive mom burnout. But I am here to tell you, that asking for help makes al the difference in the world. You are not a bad mom for asking for a break from your kids, from cleaning, or from the constant go, go, go.

If you don’t family, day care, or a significant other to help…then throw on some TV and go get yourself some time alone! Get what you need to get done or just take some deep breaths!

Second Tip: REST.

I know how us moms are especially stay at home moms. Checking things off the to do list and getting the house cleaned before your partner comes home makes us feel accomplished. Setting up all the activities and spending all the quality time with our babies makes us feel like the best mom. But mama, I am here to tell you that if you keep going and going with no break, you are going to run out of battery. And that my friend, is going to lead to burnout. So don’t forget to rest. It is okay to leave the dishes, laundry, the cleaning alone for a day and embrace those babies. It is okay to throw on some tv or give your babies something to do and not be spending every single minute with them. Release that mom guilt and know that the only way you keep giving is by resting.

Third Tip: Practice Some Self Care

I get it…finding time for self care when you are a busy mama and always on the go is tough. But you don’t have to schedule long periods of time, it can be little moments to show yourself some self care throughout the day. It could be running yourself and the kids to go get yourself some Starbucks. It can be drawing yourself a bubble bath during the kids nap time or if they don’t nap, when you get them down for bed. Be so intentional about pouring into yourself DAILY.

For more self care ideas, visit my easy self care ideas for busy mamas blog post.

Related Posts:

Self Care Tips For Busy Moms

How to stay motivated as an exhausted busy mom

Fourth Tip: Check in with yourself

It is so important to stop and check in with yourself. Be with your thoughts and really figure out what you need. Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Have you been drinking enough water? Do you need some fresh air? Is something bothering you and you haven’t dealt with it? Taking that extra time to check in with yourself and tend to your needs is important in filling that cup back up again.

Fifth Tip: Take away your distractions & keep things simple.

Sometimes mom burnout can be caused from having a million distractions. It can be all these things you are putting on yourself that you need to do. For me what really helps, is going back to what makes me happy. For me, spending quality and uninterrupted time with my boys is everything. It’s reducing social media time so I’ll spend a day with my phone in the other room. It’s turning the background noise off so the tv or any music playing. And it’s just being intentional about being in the present moment. Focusing on the fact that I can do anything but not everything.

Sixth Tip: Spend Time With God

When we are experiencing mom burnout, my mindset and thoughts tends to be negative. I am harder on myself because I just don’t have the energy, patience, or motivation to get anything done. I’m in survival and struggle mode. Everything feels overwhelming and I get irritated super easily. So what helps pull me out if this funk is spending time with God. It’s getting in his word and it’s building a relationship with him. What also helps me is listening to worship music. My favorite playlist is Everyday Inspiration on Spotify. Doing this just reminds me is that my identity is Christ and not in being the most perfect mom and getting all the things done.

Seventh Tip: Find Something To Do For Yourself 

Find a hobby or a passion to work on when you aren’t caring to your babes. It is so important to have something for YOURSELF. Whether that is reading, painting, blogging, or a side hustle. You deserve to pursue hobbies and dreams. You are more than a mama even if that is our favorite things about ourselves. 

Eight Tip: Exercise

Exercise helps me so much when it comes to working out all the frustrations of motherhood, life, and my mental health battles. Get those endorphins going and move your body 30 minutes a day! 

Ninth Tip: Lowering Expectations

As much as us moms want to be perfect, we are not. We are human and sometimes when we set really high or unrealistic expectations and we don’t meet them it leads to guilt, anxiety, and depression. Trying to be perfect in everything we do and expecting those around us to meet expectations is a recipe for mom burnout. Lowering expectations and embracing the chaos and the imperfections will make things a lot easier mentally.

Tenth Tip: Set Boundaries & Limitations

Setting boundaries for yourself is so important when it comes to mom burnout. It’s okay to say no to taking on extra things whatever that looks like to you. It’s okay to set boundaries with your kids, your husband, your loved ones, etc. And recognizing that we are limited and can only do so much is an important reminder to have and recognize.

coffee and plant and book

I hope these help! And just know, that you aren’t alone if you are experiencing mom burnout. I will say however if you are experiencing it frequently, don’t be afraid to seek professional help! It could be more than just mom burnout. 

What do you do to help with mom burnout?

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1 Comment

  1. I can so relate to your writing. We as mothers often are too hard on ourselves and it helps not to try to be perfect all the time.

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