How To Raise Anti-Racist Children

cheerful diverse schoolgirls embracing near brick wall

As a motherhood blogger, I felt like this post needed to be on my blog even though it still feels like I don’t know what I’m doing. But I’d rather show up imperfectly than not at all. As parents, we should want to not only focus on raising kind children who SEE color but also raising anti-racist children.

Black Lives Matter. Period. It’s not political. There isn’t a hidden agenda. It’s basic human rights.

I may never fully understand because I am white and therefore do not share the same struggles as those that are black but I will open my mind, heart, and ears to listen to their stories and their struggles. Just because I haven’t experienced injustices personally in my life does not mean they do not exist.

Part of being a Christian and a good human, is to love and serve others.

To try and put ourselves in other peoples’ shoes. To try and understand how they must feel. To understand that their lived experiences are different than our own and deserve to be heard, understood, and validated.

As a human, we all deserve freedom and to be treated as equals.

No one should be treated differently because of the color of their skin. I can’t believe in 2020 this is still an issue. That systemic racism exists. I feel ashamed for not seeing it. I feel ashamed for all the times I said, “All Lives Matter”. Where that statement is true, it is also true that all lives do not matter until black lives do. Until black lives feel safe to walk the streets without fear for their life.

It’ s been an exhausting and overwhelming journey since I have decided to become an anti-racist and an ally. I can’t imagine how it must feel to those who are oppressed. But from what I learned from listening to black activists, influencers, and friends is that it starts with awareness or acknowledgement, inner work and addressing your implicit biases, and then action to create change.

As parents, the greatest thing we can do, is raise our children to not only be kind and loving of all humans but to be brave to stand up against injustices and those who are not being treated equally.

I felt inspired to share resources that I have found through research from other black content creators that give us the stepping stone to becoming an anti-racist and raising our children to become an anti-racist.

I hope this can provide direction and slash the overwhelm in some way or another. I will link every picture and give credit where it is due. I will also recommend some toddler friendly books on race.

raising anti-racist children

Below Is A Simple How To Guide On Raising Anti-Racist Children From @Evolvedteacher On Instagram:

@theconsciouskid is an amazing resource for parents for rasing anti-racist children. If you are on instagram, I highly recommend you follow them.

Here is a link with a list of books for children to help with the discussion of race:

Here is also a link on how to be an ally that is very helpful is starting your journey as an anti-racist:

Another Instagram page I recommend you to follow is @ohhappydani on ways to be an anti-racist yourself so that way you can feel more confident in the discussions you need to have with your children.

Below Are Books For Adult’s To Educate Yourself on Racism:

Books For Toddlers:

Here is another blog post in regards to raising anti-racist children from another fellow mama blogger. Check out her post for more actionable steps.

I hope this post provides some direction and is a good place for you to start from. This of course is not an exhaustive list. There are so many resources out there so be sure and do your own research as well. Don’t forget to subscribe as I plan on updating this list when I come across more information to help. I also plan on doing other posts about my favorite accounts to follow on Instagram and ways to support black lives.

I would love to hear below if you have any other resources or helpful advice for parents who are seeking to be anti-racist and teach their children to be as well.

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